No recording can match the experience of hearing music played live, especially when it is played by a large orchestra. The RSO aims to spread the joy of music and generate interest in the new. By helping them experience music of the very highest quality, we hope to motivate children, teenagers and young adults to play music themselves and to show them the vitality and energy an orchestra possesses.
my RSO ...
my RSO rehearses
Lukas Beck

am@deus - final rehearsals of the Vienna RSO for school classes
In this series of events, the best seats, right at the front in the stalls, in the “Grosser Saal” of the Musikverein, one of the most beautiful concert halls in the world, are reserved for school pupils so they can experience the orchestra, conductors and soloists live.
A cooperation with the Musikverein Wien
Nancy Horowitz

my RSO rehearses... in Vienna and on tour...
School classes visit rehearsals of “their” RSO and get the chance to meet the musicians in introductory talks. They can also watch the Vienna RSO live on stage in the concert halls of Vienna, at the Salzburg Festival, the steirischer herbst festival and on tours outside Austria.
A joint initiative with the Ministry of Education, Science and Research
my RSO Mini
In our my RSO Mini concerts we invite pupils for a short story with music. Afterwards, the children get to know the instruments of our orchestra.
Age: 6-10
Next date: 16.11.2023
Theater an der Wien

Nancy Horowitz

my RSO music lab
What is an orchestra and how does it work? Why does it need a conductor? What does a composer do?
Aleksandra Kawka

Inside my RSO
An interactive visit for school classes to a Vienna RSO rehearsal: the children sit right next to the musicians and see close up how they play and work with the conductor.
Julia Wesely

my RSO backstage & on air
The meaning behind the name, ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, and the connection to the medium of radio are revealed in this workshop.
Aleksandra Kawka

The Beat Goes On... In the RSO
A combination of improvisation and percussion literature
In the Vienna RSO, one timpanist and four percussionists have thousands of percussion instruments at their fingertips.